Westside (SRDP) Project

Scope of Work

Homes of Hope, Inc. (herein called the “Owner”) is soliciting bids for both site work and vertical construction for the Westside project, which consists of 45 affordable homes (28 townhome and 6 single-family rentals and 11 single-family for-sale homes) located on +/- 9.66 acres at 501 Willis Rd in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and will serve residents earning from 30%-120% of Area Median Income (AMI).  Of the 28 townhomes, 27 units will include funding from multiple federal sources (e.g. Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) and Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)) as well as state funding (e.g. SC Housing Trust Fund (SCHTF)) and, as such, will entail specific requirements to which ALL Contractors and Sub-Contractors MUST adhere.  These funding sources will be administered through the SC State Housing Finance and Development Authority (the “Authority”).  This project requires adherence to Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 170lu and includes units which must comply with minimum standards for accessibility by the physically handicapped (Section 504).  Construction must commence no later than 5/30/2023 and achieve 100% completion no later than 10/1/2024.

Receipt and Opening of Bids

Homes of Hope invites bids on the forms linked below.  Bidders may download and complete applicable forms to be submitted beginning Wednesday, January 4, 2023.  Bids will be received by the Owner at the office of Homes of Hope, Inc., until 5:00PM EST on Thursday, February 23, 2023, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud at 10:00AM EST on Friday, February 24, 2023.  Envelopes containing bids must be sealed, addressed to Scott Williams, Director of Real Estate, at 3 Dunean Street, Greenville, SC 29611.  Prospective bidders are requested to return bids even if a decision not to formally bid is made.  Such bids should be clearly marked “No Bid” on the Bidder Information Sheet along with the company’s name, address, etc.

Owner may consider informal any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions hereof and may waive any informalities or reject any and all bids.   Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof via written documentation signed and dated by the bidder.  Any bid received after the time and date specified above shall not be considered.  No bidder may withdraw a bid within three (3) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.  Should there be reasons why a contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and the bidder.

Evaluation and Selection of Bids

Homes of Hope may take up to two weeks from the date bids are publicly opened to evaluate and select the winning bidders.  Selection of the winning bids will be principally based on price; however, consideration shall be given to such matters as Contractor integrity, compliance with public policy, record of past performance, and financial and technical resources, as well.  Winning bidders will be notified by Homes of Hope and the winning bids will be available upon request.  Winning bidders may be required to attend a pre-construction meeting with Homes of Hope and Authority staff prior to execution of the contract.

Contractor Requirements / Bid Instructions

The following items requiring submission of documentation as part of a complete and accurate bid is summarized via the Bid Packet Documentation Checklist (link below).

      1. Contractor must maintain a current license from the State of South Carolina and have been in business for a minimum of five years and have permanent full-time staff.  Contractor must submit documentation evidencing the following with bid:
        1. Current business license issued by SC Dept. of LLR
        2. Five years of continuous operations under the same business name
        3. Current good standing with SC Secretary of State’s office
        4. Completed W-9
      2. Contractor must provide a list of similar projects successfully completed during the last five years.  Contractor must submit the following information for each project with bid:
        1. Project name
        2. Project owner
        3. Project address
        4. Number of units and type (affordable, market rate)
        5. Project start / end dates
        6. Description of funding sources
        7. Color photo(s) of completed project, if applicable
      3. Contractor must provide a copy of the company’s organizational chart and employee roster.  The following information should be provided for each employee:
        1. Employee name
        2. Job title
        3. Resumes of all key staff members and principals (i.e. those with authority to make decisions directly impacting projects)
        4. Description of responsibilities and job duties
        5. Type (i.e., full-time / part-time)
      4. Contractors who have not performed services for Homes of Hope in the past three years must submit at least three (3) references including contact names and phone numbers.
      5. Contracts cannot be awarded to Contractors working on other Authority-funded projects that have fallen behind schedule.  (Behind schedule refers to the project’s Implementation Schedule and/or the construction completion schedule or completion requirements identified in the construction contract.)  Contractor must include in bid notification to Homes of Hope:
        1. Any other Authority funded projects on which Contractor is currently working,
        2. Status of such project(s), and
        3. If behind schedule, written explanation describing the cause(s) of the delay.
      6. Contractor must be eligible to participate in federally assisted programs.  Homes of Hope will perform a debarment check via the federal government’s System for Award Management (SAM.gov) for each Contractor entity and owner as part of the bid evaluation process.  Contractor must provide to Homes of Hope a Unique Entity ID (i.e. SAM number) via the Bidder Information Sheet as part of Contractor’s bid submission.  If no SAM number currently exists, Contractor may register with SAM.gov to obtain a Unique Entity ID and provide to Homes of Hope as part of the bid.  (Sub-Contractors hired and under the supervision of the Contractor are not required to register with SAM.gov.)  The winning bidder will be required to complete “SRDP-8 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility & Voluntary Exclusion” (link below).
      7. Contractor must comply with regulations of HUD Section 3, SC Illegal Immigration Reform Act, MBE/WBE outreach requirements and applicable federal labor standards.  Mandatory detailed training on Section 3 requirements will be provided by a Homes of Hope representative prior to commencement of construction.  Additional information and examples of documentation are available in the links below.
      8. Winning bidder shall furnish evidence of comprehensive public liability insurance coverage protecting Homes of Hope for not less than $100,000 per person / $1,000,000 per accident and property damage insurance coverage for not less than $100,000 for any one accident arising from work performed by the Contractor, subcontractors, or direct or indirect employees of either of them.  Contractor shall provide automobile liability coverage in the amount of $100,000 per occurrence.  Evidence of insurance or other coverage required by local laws governing Workmen’s Compensation must be provided by Contractor, as well.
      9. Winning bidder shall furnish a payment and performance bond or letter of credit for 100% of the contract price.  An Irrevocable Direct Pay Letter of Credit is acceptable in place of a payment and performance bond but must be payable directly to SC State Housing Finance & Development Authority for an amount equal to the contract amount
      10. Bids must encompass all applicable work reflected in plans and/or specifications and must be appropriately itemized in the Construction Cost Addendum linked below.
      11. Bids must include a construction timeline with specific dates to be added once a contract is executed and permits are obtained.
      12. SRDP inspections are required at certain phases of completion during construction.  The “SRDP-5 Inspection Request Form” (link below) outlines the nature of such inspections by the Authority.
      13. Winning bidder will be required to execute a guaranteed maximum price contract.
      14. All bids shall remain firm for not less than sixty (60) calendar days from date of bid submission.
      15. Winning bidder may submit no more than monthly and no fewer than bi-monthly draw requests (as specified in the construction contract) throughout the construction period.
      16. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to seek clarification from Homes of Hope for any ambiguous items included in this bid packet.
      17. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this bid packet, an addendum will be issued to each Contractor submitting a bid and posted on Homes of Hope’s bid packet webpage.  All amendments issued by Homes of Hope must be acknowledged in writing by each Contractor submitting a bid.  It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure Contractor has received all addenda issued by Homes of Hope by periodically checking the bid packet webpage at https://www.homesofhope.org/westside/.
      18. Contractor will be required to remove completely from the job site his/her own construction debris, trash, etc. and to leave work site in a neat and workmanlike manner.
      19. Contract provisions required for funding under the HOME and NHTF programs are provided in “SRDP-7 Contract Provisions (link below) for informational purposes.  These provisions will be included in the construction contract to be executed with winning bidder.

Bid Documents (Submission Required by All Bidders)

      • Bidder Information Sheet
      • SRDP-12C – Section 3 Business Concern Certification
      • Signed HOH Specs
      • Construction Cost Addendum
      • Completed Bid Packet Documentation Checklist with Applicable Supporting Documentation
Download All Bid Documents

Bid Documents Revisions

Version 1.1 – Added 1/10/2023: HOH Specs – Market Rate and For-Sale – The original online bid packet included specs for 28 affordable SRDP-funded townhome rentals.  A revision is needed to provide two sets of spec sheets:  one for 27 SRDP-funded townhome rentals and one for one market-rate townhome rental, seven market-rate single-family rentals and 11 single-family for-sale units.  These revised spec sheets have been added to the downloadable file for bid documents required for submission of bids above.

Informational Documents Applicable to Project (May Need to be Submitted by Winning Bidder)

      • SRDP-5 Inspection Request Form
      • SRDP-6 Contract Submittal Form
      • SRDP-7 Contract Provisions
      • SRDP-8 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility & Voluntary Exclusion
      • SRDP-9 SC Illegal Immigration Reform Act Certification
      • SRDP-10 Conflict of Interest Certification
      • SRDP-11 Byrd Anti-Lobbying Certification
      • SRDP-12A – Section 3 Packet for Award Recipients/Contractors/Subcontractors
      • SRDP-12B – Section 3 Clause
      • SRDP-12D – Section 3 Worker Self-Certification Forms
      • SRDP-12F-G – Section 3 Contractor/Subcontractor Hours Report
      • SRDP-12H – Section 3 Recipient Labor Hours Report & Master Workbook
      • SRDP-13 Change Order Request Form
      • SRDP-17 MBE/WBE Annual Report (HUD 2516)
      • Parcel Map
      • Site Plans / Engineering Plans
      • House Plans
Download All Informational Documents

Deadline Revision

Changes Made 1/20/2023:

  • Bids Due: Was 1/25/2023; Now 2/23/2023
  • Construction Start Date: Was 3/31/2023; Now 5/30/2023
  • 100% Construction Complete Date: Was 6/3/2024; Now 10/1/2024

Homes of Hope is not responsible for ensuring completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of submitted bids.  Homes of Hope, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability in the admission or access to, or treatment of or employment in, its federally assisted programs or activities. Anyone with questions concerning this development should contact: Scott Williams, Director of Real Estate at (864) 546-4635.